Posted by: Larry Hoekman | April 23, 2011

Bible Questions – Silent Saturday!

Day 576:  Silent Saturday!  This is a repeat post from last year as we continue with questions from Easter week.  This day between the cross and the empty tomb may be saying far more about our relationship with God than it seems.

Scripture:  And they all asked, “Are You the Son of God, then?”  And Jesus said to them, “Yes, I am!”  Luke 22:70

Thoughts/questions:  As a teacher, coach, father, and counselor, my words might have some value, but it was when I quit speaking and became silent that the resulting actions of my student, athlete, child, or counselee revealed the impact of those words.  Being made aware is a start, but it is the listeners’ doing or not doing that truly determines the value of the speaking.  Jesus was used to speaking on Saturdays, the Sabbath; however, on this Saturday we have total silence.  What is His message on this most unique of Sabbaths?

This day of silence speaks about our need to make a choice.  The message of the cross was spoken loudly and clearly on Friday; resurrection Sunday confirmed the message; but the silence of Saturday gives all of us the chance to reflect on how we are going to respond to the cross.  Is it foolishness or the power of God?  Do I respond with mental acknowledgement or a heartfelt commitment?  Do I give Sunday lip service or daily dedication?  In the quietness of Saturday, we have time to choose.  Use this ‘Silent Saturday’ as an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual life.

Also, this time of silence between the bad (cross) and the good (empty tomb) reminds us that there is often a time gap between events in our lives which appear to be bad and our realization that God is using that event for our good.   And we might not ever know (on earth) as we are to live by faith.  So don’t get discouraged during God’s silence!  It might be Friday, BUT Sunday’s coming!!!!

Suggested prayer:  Lord, Your silence speaks loudly to me.  Help me to listen and respond . . .

Memory verse on our relationship with God:  I am to cease striving and know that He is God!  Psalms 46:10a

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