Posted by: Larry Hoekman | June 19, 2024

Prayer — Pray For Potholes!

Day 4889: Make Jesus #1!

Scripture: Above all else, I must guard my heart, for it influences every aspect of my life. Perversity and deceit should not be any part of my speech. My eyes should look straight ahead, and I should fix my gaze directly before me. My way will be established when I watch my step; keep from being sidetracked; and keep my foot from evil. Proverbs 4:23-26

Thoughts/questions: The instruction for driving, ‘keep your eyes on the road,’ means something different now. It used to mean watching other cars and driving safely. Now, it means to watch the road for potholes and other hazards, especially in California.

Our spiritual lives are similar, as spiritual potholes and hazards abound. They won’t cause our immediate destruction, but over time, they move us in the wrong direction! So, why pray for potholes? Well, it’s more in line with praying that God will reveal those potholes that ultimately cause difficulties in our spiritual walk!

Solomon warns us of potholes ahead. Pray that God will make you aware of them and then make sure you AVOID them and the potential damage they can cause!

Suggested prayer: Holy Spirit, show me the dangers that lie in my path and help me to avoid them . . .

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