Posted by: Larry Hoekman | June 20, 2024

Prayer — The Proper Position to Pray!?

Day 4890: Find your joy in the Lord!!!

Scripture: Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. I Timothy 2:8

Thoughts/questions: It has been said that if you don’t want someone to come over, you tell them to come over anytime. And anytime never happens. Something like this could also be said about praying. You can pray from any position and any time – so we don’t pray!

Biblical examples of physical positions in prayer are many – bow, kneel, prostrate, arms extended, eyes closed, eyes open, standing, and sitting. Because we have so many options, the tendency is to use none of them. Muslims have five times of prayer and their position is very specific. Maybe that would help us as well.

Different positioning of our body during prayer can have meaning, but again, God looks at our heart, not our body. But that’s not a license to not pray. No, we are FREE to talk with God no matter what position our physical body is in. No position is superior to another, so take on the position that draws you closer to your Father and is appropriate to your surroundings.

Suggested prayer: Almighty God, may I always talk with You no matter where I am . . .

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