Posted by: Larry Hoekman | June 21, 2024

Prayer — The Amount of Prayer!

Day 4891: Every day is a good day for this, but Friday is the best day to TGIF – Thank God I’m Forgiven.

Scripture: I should pray about everything, presenting my requests to God with a thankful attitude! Philippians 4:6

Thoughts/questions: Probably most Christ followers believe that the amount of praying they do is less than they should. I know I do. So, just what is the proper amount we should pray? Great question.

My answer would be ‘always.’ Always??? Then we all will be praying less than we should. But yes, always. Because if we follow today’s verse’s instruction and pray about everything, then we will always be praying. Everything that comes to our attention can be responded to in prayer! A quick thank You; a quick I need You; a quick help me please; a quick I love You; a quick word of praise; a quick speaking the name of Jesus over the person or situation, and more!

This is the type of praying we all can do. Even me! And it’s time for me to do more praying. Quick ones first and then maybe longer and longer ones! How about you?

Suggested prayer: Lord God, I know I need to pray to You more. Help me to pray about everything . . .

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