Posted by: Larry Hoekman | May 25, 2024

Psalms — Trust in God’s Right Hand!

Day 4868: Happy Memorial Day weekend in the U.S. A day to remember those who gave their lives so others can be free . . .

Scripture: Now this I know: the Lord gives victory to His anointed. He answers him from His heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of His right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:6, 7

Thoughts/questions: So many good verses in each Psalm. It’s hard to figure out which ones to focus on! Certainly, in today’s world, it is difficult to find something or someone to put one’s trust in. Ever-changing events and a belief that the primary truth is attaining one’s personal happiness eliminate so many things we used to have confidence in.

But then there’s God – don’t face any day without Him! Ultimate victory is found in Him for those who follow Him. His answers come with the power of the all-powerful God’s strong right hand! Our trust is not in the untrustworthy, as our trust is in the name of the Lord our God. Yes, In God We Trust!!! And not just on a piece of paper, but in the true and living God. Now that’s the way to live!

Suggested prayer: True and living God, thank You that You desire for me to put my trust in You . . .

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